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A Life-Improvement/Saving Company Is Born 
PRIME Brain/Body/Mind 55+ers Inc.

Global Scientific Wellness/Longevity Clinician Scientists Move to Vero Beach, FL

2023 was a transition year for clinician-scientists Katharine and Bill White, MSN, APRN/CSs. They closed their longstanding business, Brain In Play International Inc., and relocated from RI to Vero Beach, FL, to incrementally launch their legacy ‘life optimizing and saving’ epigenetic healthcare company serving the 55+/Senior population. The official roll-out date is September - October 2024, and the new business name is PRIME Brain/Body/Mind 55+ers Inc (PRIME). In the future, an aligned ‘not for profit’ subsidiary/relationship is planned.

The Whites’ new company features the 3rd iteration of their world-renowned epigenetic system innovation Brain/Body/Mind-Performance Enhancement (SM) or BBM-PE, which optimizes longevity/anti-aging and supports clients to live the longest, healthiest, happiest, sharpest, strongest, and most connected and purposeful lives possible. During spring 2024 PRIME will progressively GO-LIVE, initially phasing in key services and programs to include 1:1, group, and family cognitive behavioral coaching and consulting, education forums, agency consultations, and a continuum of science-based longevity, wellness-optimization, and disease-prevention and minimization specialty programs. Service delivery options will include in-person, zoom-video, and telephonic preferences.

Internationally known healthcare process and protocol innovators, researchers, coaches, and clinical providers, the Whites unveiled the first iteration prototype of BBM-PE in 2013 at a Mayo Clinic international sports brain-injury summit. It marked the first time an epigenetic brain treatment was proposed to facilitate concussive healing at cellular, molecular, and organ systems levels. Its positive reception by scientific world experts led the Whites to publish a best-selling 20-chapter book on concussive neuro-epigenetic youth brain treatment in 2014, which sells around the world on Amazon to the present day.

In 2015 a second enhanced iteration of BBM-PE development was inspired by the exponentially growing Brain, Body, and Mind disease triad of age-related dementia, chronic physical illnesses, and depression/anxiety. While experts support 95% of these diseases are preventable and/or treatable, less than 10% of 55+/Seniors get the recommended preventative medical care for such, and treatment-wise, the World Health Organization ranks the USA last on all health quality/mortality outcomes compared to 16 similar peer nations. Accordingly, in 2016, the Whites designed an 8-week proof of concept scientific study investigating if a hybrid version of BBM–PE could improve neurocognitive functioning and mood in a 55er+ population diagnosed with mild dementia and depression. In sum, our research found bio-emotionally coached subjects who did endurance exercise for 20 minutes thrice weekly exhibited statistically significant neuro-cog AND depression improvements, with related diagnostic symptoms reversed in almost all clients. The study’s abstract was selected by the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research/Treatment for international peer-reviewed scientific journal publication and unveiled at the Alzheimer’s Association’s annual conference in London, England, in 2017.

From 2017–22, the Whites treated and field tested hundreds of 55+ers/Seniors at Independent and Assisted-Livings, Memory Centers, Senior Daycares, and ‘In-Homes’, evolving a third BBM-PE rendition to emerge as a trifecta of all-natural non-medication innovations that would more consistently deliver longevity, brain/body/mind disease prevention and minimization, and optimized health/wellness outcomes. Most simply put, this 3rd/final BBM-PE iteration integrates twelve scientific Best-Practice ‘WHAT’ protocols, with Activation-Science ‘WHY’ and Sustainability-Change ‘HOW’ processes (all of which are customized to best meet client needs).

To originally prepare for their legacy life-purpose business journey, the Whites secured a contract with Benchmark Senior Living Corporation, the largest ‘Senior’ organization in the northeast with 67 facilities spanning seven states – an initiative derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the Whites clinically worked in person with hundreds of patients during the Pandemic in the highest-risk congregate settings…underscoring an enduring core PRIME company value: Never leave an engaged client/patient alone or behind, regardless of circumstance or risk.

PRIME’s husband and wife co-founder team, Katharine and Bill White are now finalizing plans to offer 55+/Senior clients around the world the most comprehensive and innovative scientific longevity and health optimization system, featuring the best evidence-based Brain, Body, and Mind improvement protocols and processes known to healthcare.

Our vision establishes Vero Beach, FL, as PRIME B/B/M-55+'s city headquarters and Florida’s Treasure Coast as our regional epicenter for national/global expansion, from which to reinvest and share our 'longevity, life-optimizing, and peak performance' proprietary service solutions.

Contact: 401-447-1168 /

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