Mind Optimization
Our Mind-Optimization Cognitive-Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Coaching services are designed to maximize bio-psycho-social outcomes, emotional well-being, and overall life satisfaction. Catering to individuals seeking to prevent or address stress-related cognitive, mood, anxiety and bio-emotional challenges, our innovative approach integrates BBM-PE optimization with psychotherapeutic and bio-behavioral coaching modalities.
1:1 Major Transition Stress Coaching
Whether forced, planned or elective, Senior life transitions are numerous and most often very stressful. The right therapeutic coaching partnership sets the stage for a best possible life post-transition, regardless of how difficult or complicated the precipitating challenge(s).
Unresolved Grief/Loss Coaching
55+er/Senior life brings with it more frequent losses of all kinds, some of which can result in grief that is unprecedented, difficult to resolve, re-activated and/or very complex. Having trained 'back in the day' with Kubler-Ross (the originator of the stages of grief), our founders sensitively and knowledgably manage any/all client situations in which grieving is involved.
Relationship Stress Coaching
Some unique challenges of ‘55+er aging’ can stress partner/family relationships to the max. Working proactively or early/mid/post-crisis on such issues with a professional coach with psychotherapeutic couples and family experience can lead to sig relationship improvement, resolution and/or impasse avoidance.
Post-Retirement Stress Coaching
Retirement has been called by some 55+ers/Seniors their most stressful life experience ever! BBM-PE and cognitive behavioral/bio-emotional coaching can help activate and optimize a positive and serene response...one that can lead to an unexpectedly favorable and 'new best-life' outcomes.
Alcohol/Drug Overuse Coaching
USA Seniors find themselves increasingly abusing alcohol, street drugs and prescription meds. Most are unaware how damaging this can be to aging 55+er Brains, Bodies, and Minds. Death, disability, and suffering are often avoidable consequences with professional coaching. Our founders have extensive clinical experience in this specialty and have written academic articles and book chapters on this topic.
Mastermind Group
Our Mastermind Groups meet weekly, in-person at Independent and Assisted Livings, and via Zoom for those at home. The focus is client/group process driven and can be on BBM-PE best-practices in general, or concentrate on a group's 'current' Brain, Body, or Mind optimization issue(s). Groups are limited to 6-8. This option is the most economical and socially connected way to sustain one's BBM-PE routine driven by new/developing knowledge, and improved activation.
Happiness-Deficit Coaching
The Senior years for many are characterized by boredom, grief, sadness, isolation, illness and loss of identity. Experts are also just learning depression is not always a reaction to, but a bio-symptom of, many diseases of aging. Needless to say, Seniors didn't just come this far to come this far...we-all deserve to be as happy, and enjoy life, as much as possible! BBM-PE's cognitive behavioral and socio-emotional coaching is a great solution to address mood related challeges.
Medical Illness Stress Coaching
Diseases of Aging challenges are under-recognized for the stressful life challenges they can pose, for Seniors and family/friends. Realistic fears of disability/death, and worries about care-providers, may cause major anxiety and depression... predisposing unnecessary hospital readmissions. BBM-PE's cognitive behavioral and bio-emotional coaching significantly helps to reduce, and in many cases resolve, this common Senior Diseases of Aging consequence.
Anxiety Management Coaching
Whether anxiety is caused by internal thoughts, biological precipitants, external stressors or a combination of such/all, BBM-PE combined with bio-emotional and cognitive behavioral coaching, helps clients to gain control over, and best manage, this significant brain/mental-health challenge.