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How We Do What We Do and Why It Works




This executive summary conveys how the medical science of epigenetics actualizes PRIME-BBM’s longevity and wellness proprietary system of innovations for 55+ers/Seniors, preventing and minimizing diseases, and optimizing wellness, at cellular and molecular levels…via manipulating and reversing aging's traditional biogenetic algorithms.


AGING during one’s mid-50s and beyond, requires accepting and dealing with the latest good AND bad medical science news…so let’s process the bad news first, which sets the stage to better understand and celebrate the good news!  So, what exactly causes aging to accelerate at 50-55+, and as a result, makes us more vulnerable for diseases and disorders to happen…of the brain (such as dementias), of the body (such as cancers and CVDs), and of the mind (such as depression, anxiety disorders and PTSD).  And why, after 50-55+, do these conditions occur more frequently, and progress faster with greater severity?




As we age past 50-55-ish, bad and toxic ‘exposures/ingestions/stress-experiences’ that we have been subjected to during our lifetimes accumulate to cause baseline proliferation of Bad-DNA at molecular and cellular levels, which in turn makes us more vulnerable to develop diseases and illness conditions.  Some classic 55+er examples include excess sun exposure causing skin cancer, ingesting/eating too much fried/fatty foods causing heart disease, consuming excess refined sugars causing Type-2 diabetes, years of tobacco smoke causing lung cancer, and experiencing multiple stress/trauma/loss(s) causing depression, anxiety, and name just a few.


An approximate 50-year typical lifetime of such toxic exposures/ingestions causes our cellular DNA to more regularly produce bad biochemistry, AKA Bad-DNA expression or negative gene expression…and thus more frequent/severe diseases and disorders develop during our 50-60s due to this chronically Bad-DNA buildup, the molecular and cellular disease effects of which just keep worsening (if not ‘counteracted’ by a powerful wellness innovation like BBM-PE). The commonly referenced downstream results of Bad-DNA are chronic bodily inflammation, insulin dysregulation or resistance, and toxic oxidant buildup. After 50-55+, such disease-vulnerability conditions happen much more often and can become progressively worse much quicker (health providers call this “adding to the already Bad-DNA baseline”).  An additional ‘diseases of aging’ vulnerability factor is that mid-life aging finds our cells slowing down, aging faster, and withering (but not dying off and being replaced with newly reproduced fresh cells, as happens with younger folks). These withering cells are actually called Zombie-Cells and are the reason that we Seniors get dark-spots/wrinkles, lose muscle mass and become frail, feel chronically less peppy, and look increasingly tired and older. 




We now know, thanks to epigenetics, that we can almost always prevent, reverse or improve 90-95% of major diseases and slow down/reverse accelerated 55+/Senior aging by proactively ‘manufacturing’ Good-DNA to counteract the aforementioned Bad-DNA effects of typical aging…and our 12-Best Practices is what makes this Good-DNA expression happen (individually and collectively). This is why we coach clients to do as many of our ‘Best-12’ as prescriptively, and consistently, as possible, because the sum healthy effect of many/all of the ‘Best-12’ done right begins to produce a mega-baseline of excess Good-DNA expression! The great news, each of the 12 Best Practices uses epigenetics to influence our genes to not only produce Good-DNA, but simultaneously manipulates our genes to reduce or stop the production of Bad-DNA!


Before we-all get overly excited re: the Best-12 delivering Good/Great-DNA, we must acknowledge the necessity and value of the 2nd leg/circle of BBM-Performance Enhancement’s longevity innovation trifecta - that being our Activation Science (which we originated, concept-proved, researched and internationally published BTW). Just as diseases are caused by Bad-DNA build-up over time, optimizing disease prevention, and minimization is all about Good-DNA start-up and powerful Best-12 change engagement. And that’s where Activation Science comes in!  As we know from Fast Company’s classic Change or Die article, starting up and maintaining wellness lifestyle changes over time has a 90% failure rate – even when one’s life depends on it! So no, we are not talking about changing one’s lifestyle here (since we know this almost always doesn't work). Instead, our Activation Science, and it’s unique Coaching/Support-Method, transforms You to change and activate YOU!


And finally, since maintaining behavioral change routines re: healthcare long-term is so very challenging, we need to emphasize the 3rd leg/circle of BBM-Performance Enhancement’s longevity/wellness innovation trifecta – Lighthouse Change Sustainability.  Not surprisingly, this last component is most often dismissed by well-meaning Seniors who believe their powerful engagement/activation ‘honeymoon’ status will carry them through forever…just recall again that 90% usual failure rate, even in the context of one being informed about life-threatening consequences! This 3rd change innovation helps guarantee consistent delivery of optimized Good/Great-DNA expression ad infinitum and is a combination of quintessential process and structural change-sustainability protocols.  


In closing, please see below diagram, showing the integrated value-prop of PRIME BBM-PE's trifecta of epigenetic innovations.​​​

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