Alan Ashare, MD is Brain in Play’s Medical Director and a global brain and spinal cord injury sports safety icon. Dr. Ashare is Chief Nuclear Medicine at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Professor of Radiology at Tufts Medical School with a specialty in disease imaging diagnostics and a core interest in preventing and treating brain injuries and diseases of aging. A serial author, he originated Heads Up, Don’t Duck in the mid-90s and in 2015 released The Mechanism of Concussion in Sports (1st editor). Alan Chairs MA’s Interscholastic Medical Sports Committee and MA’s Medical Society Sports Medicine Committee. ‘Doc’ served twenty years as Team MD for USA Hockey Junior World Champion Teams and is President of the North American Hockey Equipment Certification Council, Chairs USA Hockey’s National Safety Committee and directs ASTM’s Committee on Medical Biomechanics. A world expert on concussion prevention, he has testified on Capitol Hill before the CDC sponsored Institute of Medicine’s Youth Sports/Military Concussion Committee in 2014.