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Ensuring The Best Brain Wellness Care for Seniors & Families

Brain In Play closely partners with assisted living communities, adult day care centers, memory centers, and other senior venues to deliver the highest quality brain wellness care to their clients in their own living environments. We enlist the collaboration of partner-staff in support of client/resident brain care - because the brain is always in play.

Excellent and Affordable Brain And Behavioral Health Treatment

Our unique collection of therapies offer an unprecedented level of individualized scientific brain wellness, behavioral health evaluation/management and psychotherapeutic care, which in the great majority of cases is fully covered by medical insurances.


Helping Make Senior Brains bigger, better, and more resilient in settings where clients live, and families entrust loved ones, is revolutionary and will soon become a standard practice for the rapidly proliferating Long Term Care residential industry.

Brain In Play International believes in client and family empowerment, and thus extremely values continuous client and family education.  Please find herein one of the most comprehensive and up to date reference sites on scientific brain wellness available nationally, a covering the practical application of scientific brain wellness as related to many of our best practices.                          


By selecting the icons below you will be linked to resources supported by, the non-profit website of Brain In Play Foundation, a registered 501 (c) 3 charitable organization whose primary mission is to spread awareness regarding neurodegenerative diseases and their solutions. 

Brain Wellness Clinical Literature and Resources

how we do it

Recent Nobel Prize DISCOVERIES and neuroscience RESEARCH

comprise the foundation of

our evidence based scientific brain wellness system:

Brain Performance Enhancement

Deliver the Best in Brain Health

Call to Schedule a Consult Today

(401) 615-8775

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